We’ve all been at the mercy of good old fashioned procrastination. Ever been dead set on getting your study on for an exam only to find yourself 3 hours later, deep in the YouTube rabbit hole? or maybe you’ve noticed that the last story you watched on Instagram was only posted 3 minutes ago? You’re not alone. Yep, distractions that cause procrastination and lower our productivity are everywhere.
Websites, apps, and online products surround us online and sometimes the answer isn’t just to ignore them but to learn how to fight them.
The good news is that with all the apps and websites online that are designed to take our full attention, there are almost just as many designed to help you keep away and stay productive and act as a website blocker for studying, or even an app blocker for studying.
Website and app blockers are powerful tools in our defence against these focus stealers. But there’s a right way to use them if we want to get the most benefit out of them and with students and employers realizing these distractions are becoming more and more of a problem every single day, simple website blockers and apps are getting to be pretty popular, very quickly.
Let’s start by looking into how you can block websites and apps and start focusing on revising and learning the right materials for your exams.
How do I Block Access to Certain Websites?
Blocking access to specific websites is easy once you have BlockSite installed on either Chrome, Firefox or your Android device. After you have download the extension or app…or both, set up a list of websites you want to block, add them all to your block list and your good to go! No more distractions, you’ll be able to avoid temptation and stay focused! You can also set up a schedule of time frames for when to block distracting sites, should you wish to not have them blocked at all times.
How do I Temporarily Block a Website?
You may want to temporarily block websites in order to get in the zone according to the Pomodoro technique. The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 19080’s. It’s a technique that uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes long separated by short breaks.
We’ve translated this on BlockSite to that you can time your work, take short breaks and block distracting sites so that you stay focused — no willpower required. Once you’re done, you can unblock the sites and go back to browsing the web as you wish.
Block YouTube for an Hour
YouTube is one of those sites that you find yourself on wanting to watch something specific. Then 3 hours later, realise you’ve wasted half the evening watching tutorials or irrelevant videos that have nothing to do with what you were supposed to be doing. Then the panic sets in. You’ve procrastinated and now need to get sh*t done…
What if you could block YouTube and be reminded when you try and go onto YouTube, you have better things to do? BlockSite allows for that to happen! You can choose all the sites, including YouTube that you wish to block and keep them that way for as long as you wish.
Imagine what you could get done without all the distractions online! BlockSite can help you stay off of other sites that take our focus such as social media. While we’re on the go, and using our mobile devices it’s been reported through research by Nielsen that the average person spends over four hours a day on their device. Yep, you read that right. The modern person spends a full quarter of their waking hours on their mobile device.
Moreover, one of the studies showed that half of that time (1 hour, 56 minutes) is spent on the top five social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and YouTube.
Let’s face it, social media, games, and content discovery apps are distracting — they’re basically procrastination apps and keep you from staying unplugged. BlockSite is the #1 focus app to help you limit these apps and stay focused. Simply list which installed apps you want to block and BlockSite will prevent them from opening!
The Best Website Blocker for Studying
There’s a time and a place for everything, and sometimes students need to get focused and study! Schedule which days and times certain apps and sites are available to you while you study for your exams with BlockSite — the extension and app that empowers you to avoid procrastination and stay focused.
You could also add BlockSite your mobile device. We all know how hard it can be to be disciplined with your own device, so let BlockSite make it easier for you to limit apps and increase productivity even while you’re on the go, totally removing distractions from your life!
Originally published at https://blocksite.co on March 24, 2020.